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Interested in an assessment or counseling?
When you visit

Milner Assessment and Research Clinic
Assessment appointments
318 Milner Building
College Station, TX 77843-4225
Clients: 979-845-8021
- Milner clients may park at any garage on campus. View all garage and parking options on campus.
- If parking at Northside Parking Garage, which is closest to Milner, clients should call 979-845-8021 to get a code for parking validation.
- If parking at any other garage, the front desk will provide a validation slip that can be scanned when leaving the garage.

The Stack
Counseling appointments
711 Church St,
Suite 101,
College Station, TX 77840
Clients: (979)-845-CARE
- There are four parallel-parking spaces reserved for CAC clients in front of the building.
- If the parallel parking spaces are not available clients can park in any non-reserved spaces at The Stack.
- If none of the reserved spaces are available, please remember your license-plate number to receive parking validation at the front desk.